Poland Europe Warsaw Uprising
European context of Polish history
Polish government in recent years defined Polish identity as adversarial to or incompatible with a European identity. Poland is being put "next to" and not "in" Europe. One of the examples is a Warsaw Uprising, whose protagonists are presented only through the national lenses. Our action reminds of the European identity of Warsaw freedom-fighters.
Warsaw insurgents did not fight in vacuum. European context is the most fundamental reference to their fight. Varsavians [citizens of Warsaw] fought for Poland being part of the West and not East. Europe and not the Soviet Union. Attempt for self-liberation was a powered by wish of self-determination and belonging to western civilization.
Warsaw freedom-fighters were:
Polish Heroes & European Patriots.
Polish Patriots & European Heroes.
One identity did not - and does not - contradict the other. Action:
Poland Europe Warsaw Uprising
reminds about a European identity of Warsaw Uprising fighters.