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Dignified life free of fear

We want to live in a world where everyone - every human being - lives a dignified life free of fear.

To reach this goal we have started an everyday effort of building a "good society" - defined as a community where every person lives a dignified life free of fear - and of improving the wellbeing of each member of this community.

Realization of this vision is not a charity work or a "nice aspiration". It is a moral duty of each person who already lives such life. This is also our mission.

Ideas can be the most powerful thing in the world. They can lead to cretion or destruction, liberation or totalitarism. To fulfil their potential ideas require a conscious effort. Properly prepared space and processes support mind in making such an effort.

"Lepsze życie" (Better life) is an Idea Tank - new type of organization focused on reflection & contemplation of ideas. Some of them will result in action - others won't; hence it is not a "think tank" focused on publishing papers, or a "do tank" - undertaking a series of endeavours. 

Process of dialogue & reflection leads to mind shift in those who are engaged in it - in the same way in which two colours of plasticine played by kids leave traces of each other after separation. To create a virtuous cycle - whereas aforementioned process supports solutions of challenges faced by people - attention is paid to engagement in dialogue of those, who have energy & will to improve the state of the world. 

Each idea or thought, which will take a concrete shape and will be made public by participants, will be accessible freely. Some of them might refer directly to "Lepsze życie", but we are not bent on building our own brand. We are also not focused on self-promotion. World is already full of propaganda & communique which are just this: statements directed to promote given person, organization or objective. People bombarded by egocentric communiques lose time & space for reflection & contemplation of ideas. 

In place of self-promotion & monologues we choose Socratic method as a way of stimulating critical thinking and "bringing to surface" ideas. Modesty & decency are virtuous which underpin a true confidence, as opposed to arogant egotism. 

Lepsze życie is a non-profit organization, registered in Poland in form of a foundation since 2011. 

Everyone deserves a dignified life free of fear. This is an absolute minimum which each of us should try to ensure for others. A moral obligation which we owe to others & to ourselves. Universal Declaration of Human Rights presents this vision in the most holistic, and the best, way.

We are open for collaboration with every one who subscribes to this vision. If you are interested, please write to us at:

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